Sapphire Rings

Sapphire Rings - Page 56

Browse hundreds of beautiful sapphire rings in blue, yellow, pink, padparadscha, and other unique colors. Whether you’re looking for a gift, a ring for everyday wear, or a sapphire engagement ring, you’ll find the perfect piece in our collection. Interested in creating a custom sapphire ring? Select a sapphire or search our ring settings to design your ring from start to finish.

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Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 4.05 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS71W14,B15840

ID: 89403
Center Stone: 4.05 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 4.05 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS71W14,B15840
Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 2.93 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS785W14,B12490

ID: 143086
Center Stone: 2.93 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 2.93 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS785W14,B12490
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Round 3.07 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1209W14,PA3487
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Oval 2.77 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS940W14,PA3835
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Round 3.07 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1332W14,PA3487
Pink Sapphire Ring - Oval 4.59 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1059W14,S9326

ID: 132758
Center Stone: 4.59 Cts

Priced as shown:

Pink Sapphire Ring - Oval 4.59 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1059W14,S9326
Purplish Pink Sapphire Ring - Cushion 4.45 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS447W14,P4341
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Cushion 2.33 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1556W14,S4631
Blue Sapphire Ring - Round 3.20 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1274W14,B12316

ID: 83506
Center Stone: 3.20 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Round 3.20 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1274W14,B12316
Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 3.17 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1375W14,B15865

ID: 79556
Center Stone: 3.17 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 3.17 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1375W14,B15865
Color Change Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 4.09 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS734W14,B16318
Bluish Green Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 7.04 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS454W14,U16241
Blue Sapphire Ring - Round 2.55 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1208W14,B16628

ID: 96886
Center Stone: 2.55 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Round 2.55 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1208W14,B16628
Bluish Green Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 3.52 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1513W14,U6887
Bluish Green Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 3.52 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS409W14,U6887
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Round 5.31 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1569W14,S4053
Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 3.02 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1375W14,B17066

ID: 110975
Center Stone: 3.02 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 3.02 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1375W14,B17066
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Oval 2.55 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS37W14,PA4147
Greenish Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 3.67 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS742W14,B9205
Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 5.69 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1164W14,B13053

ID: 74807
Center Stone: 5.69 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 5.69 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1164W14,B13053
Bluish Green Sapphire Ring - Fancy 3.44 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1045W14,U11903
Blue Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 5.17 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS167W14,B17344
Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 5.69 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS68W14,B13053

ID: 100346
Center Stone: 5.69 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 5.69 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS68W14,B13053
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Pear 2.69 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1057W14,S11870
Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 2.18 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1040W14,B15757

ID: 94023
Center Stone: 2.18 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 2.18 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1040W14,B15757
Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 5.69 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS156W14,B13053

ID: 74495
Center Stone: 5.69 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 5.69 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS156W14,B13053
Bluish Green Sapphire Ring - Fancy 3.44 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS53W14,U11903
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Pear 4.03 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1420W14,S4051
Blue Sapphire Ring - Radiant 5.01 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1460W14,B12911

ID: 165066
Center Stone: 5.01 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Radiant 5.01 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1460W14,B12911
Green Sapphire Ring - Pear 5.26 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1150W14,U3528

ID: 132599
Center Stone: 5.26 Cts

Priced as shown:

Green Sapphire Ring - Pear 5.26 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1150W14,U3528
Bluish Green Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 3.52 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS734W14,U6887
Yellow Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 5.02 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS411W14,Y4894
Green Sapphire Ring - Oval 3.70 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS156W14,U6996

ID: 108773
Center Stone: 3.70 Cts

Priced as shown:

Green Sapphire Ring - Oval 3.70 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS156W14,U6996
Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 3.24 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1020W14,S3704

ID: 113895
Center Stone: 3.24 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 3.24 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1020W14,S3704
Blue Sapphire Ring - Round 2.55 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1677W14,B16628

ID: 130015
Center Stone: 2.55 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Round 2.55 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1677W14,B16628
Bi Color Sapphire Ring - Radiant 5.64 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS721W14,S15131
Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 2.18 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1189W14,B15757

ID: 94032
Center Stone: 2.18 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 2.18 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1189W14,B15757
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Oval 2.55 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1003W14,PA4147
Green Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 6.30 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1460W14,U16301
Bi Color Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 5.31 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1689W14,S11347
Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 4.12 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1513W14,B16617

ID: 161620
Center Stone: 4.12 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 4.12 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1513W14,B16617
Blue Sapphire Ring - Round 4.55 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1409W14,B11839

ID: 108424
Center Stone: 4.55 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Round 4.55 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1409W14,B11839
Blue Sapphire Ring - Radiant 3.66 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1731W14,B12341

ID: 146986
Center Stone: 3.66 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Radiant 3.66 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1731W14,B12341
Greenish Blue Sapphire Ring - Asscher - Octagon 5.64 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS851W14,S4174
Blue Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 5.17 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1460W14,B17344
Blue Sapphire Ring - Radiant 3.66 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS231W14,B12341

ID: 94659
Center Stone: 3.66 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Radiant 3.66 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS231W14,B12341
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Cushion 3.36 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1125W14,PA4117
Padparadscha Sapphire Ring - Heart 2.06 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1241W14,S9364
Blue Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 5.01 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS785W14,S9211

ID: 145749
Center Stone: 5.01 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 5.01 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS785W14,S9211
Bluish Green Sapphire Ring - Cushion 3.29 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1233W14,U8940
Blue Sapphire Ring - Emerald Cut 3.53 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1541W14,B13632
Green Sapphire Ring - Pear 5.26 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1420W14,U3528

ID: 137232
Center Stone: 5.26 Cts

Priced as shown:

Green Sapphire Ring - Pear 5.26 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1420W14,U3528
Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 4.09 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1503W14,S14414

ID: 163182
Center Stone: 4.09 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 4.09 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1503W14,S14414
Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 4.12 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1164W14,B16617

ID: 112955
Center Stone: 4.12 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Cushion 4.12 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1164W14,B16617
Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 3.83 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1761W14,B15912

ID: 150504
Center Stone: 3.83 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 3.83 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1761W14,B15912
Purple Sapphire Ring - Oval 20.97 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1549W14,S4056

ID: 104874
Center Stone: 20.97 Cts

Priced as shown:

Purple Sapphire Ring - Oval 20.97 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1549W14,S4056
Color Change Sapphire Ring - Asscher - Octagon 5.70 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS806W14,U14252
Pink Sapphire Ring - Pear 3.03 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1188W14,S7810

ID: 121092
Center Stone: 3.03 Cts

Priced as shown:

Pink Sapphire Ring - Pear 3.03 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS1188W14,S7810
Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 2.31 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS61W14,B17372

ID: 112127
Center Stone: 2.31 Cts

Priced as shown:

Blue Sapphire Ring - Oval 2.31 Ct. - 14K White Gold - #JS61W14,B17372
3246 - 3304 of 28959 Items
Sketch of Custom Sapphire Ring Idea
Wireframe of Custom Sapphire Ring Idea
Render of Custom Sapphire Ring Idea

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